Here are will find audio recordings from our many meetings over the years. They are provided here to share the experience, strength and hope of our members to as wide an audience as possible.

Each recording is:
  • Someone sharing their experience on one of the 12 steps;
  • Someone sharing their experience around a topic related to recovery, the meeting or NA in general; or
  • Someone reading from the Basic Text on a given step
To use these recordings:
  • To listen , click the links.
  • To download , click the links and on the next screen click the download button.

Shares on the Steps

Step 1

Archie C on 17.05.09
Dave on 27.09.15
Lester B on 19.06.2016
Kim D on 11.09.16
Vicky on 26.02.17
Hannah on 18.02.18
Jo on 26.08.18
Simon on 25.11.18
Sharon on 24.02.19
Linda on 08.09.19
Anna on 08.03.20
Desmond on 13.09.20
Steve on 14.03.21
Lucia on 12.09.21
Nada on 18.09.22
Mark on 07.01.24

Step 2

Eve on 04.10.15
Nick on 03.04.16
Cynthia on 11.12.16
Kyle on 28.05.17
Anthony G on 03.12.17
Robert on 27.05.18
Tiana on 02.12.18
Micky on 09.06.19
Paul on 15.12.19
Clem on 21.06.20
Nikos on 20.12.20
Rick A on 20.06.21

Step 3

Wilvena G on 10.04.16
Rachel on 11.10.15
Katie B on 03.07.2016
Steve B on 25.09.16
Charlie on 12.03.2017
Rachel on 29.10.2017
Ralph on 09.09.18
Keith on 10.03.18
Nick on 22.09.19
May on 27.09.20
Nev on 28.03.21
Junior on 26.09.21
Ann-Marie on 26.02.22
Nick on 22.09.22
Fame on 21.01.24

Step 4

Sonja on 17.04.16
John on 18.10.15
Paul R on 24.12.16
Bubbly on 11.06.17
Dean B on 17.12.17
Nick on 10.06.18
Mario on 16.12.18
Monika on 23.06.19
Jennifer CN on 05.07.20
Karen on 03.01.21
Manny on 04.07.21
David on 02.01.22
Reese on 03.04.22

Step 5

Chrissie on 20.06.09
Doug on 24.01.16
Gary A on 09.10.16
Tertius on 26.03.17
Kelly on 23.09.18
Penelope on 24.03.19
Andrew on 13.10.19
James O on 11.10.20
Felicity on 11.04.21
Sarah on 10.10.21
Tom on 10.07.22
Vivek on 16.10.22
Willow Rose on 23.07.23

Step 6

Mary P on 07.10.07
Raymond on 01.11.15
Aaron C on 01.05.16
Linzie on 08.01.17
Matt on 25.06.17
Tony on 30.12.17
Ashley on 24.06.18
Con on 06.01.19
Ian on 07.04.19
Remmington on 14.07.19
Coz on 19.01.20
Richard J on 19.07.20
Dean CP on 17.01.21
JJ on 18.07.21
Nick on 17.04.22

Step 7

Jim H on 14.02.16
Raymond on 23.10.16
Mia on 09.04.17
Andy on 08.10.17
George on 01.04.18
Jayne on 14.10.18
Amanda on 21.04.19
Carl on 27.10.19
Arinder on 26.04.20
Claudio M on 25.10.20
Lisa N on 25.04.21
Brad on 24.10.21

Step 8

Kari H on 13.04.08
Bill on 22.01.17
Kelly on 09.07.17
Harj on 14.01.18
Claire on 08.07.18
Tim on 20.01.19
Amy on 28.07.19
Tiane on 03.11.19
Beryl on 02.02.20
Rae on 02.08.20
Rob G on 07.02.21
Jen on 01.08.21

Step 9

Rob A on 20.04.08
Tony on 28.02.16
Dave T on 14.08.16
Rob on 13.11.16
Sarah on 22.10.17
Dean on 28.10.18
Kim on 05.05.19
Junior on 10.05.20
Allie on 08.11.20
Tolis on 09.05.21
Fred on 03.03.24

Step 10

Linzie R
Tim on 06.12.15
Gemma S on 21.08.16
Christina on 05.02.17
Rachel on 23.07.17
Kelly on 28.01.18
Clare on 03.02.19
Rich on 11.08.19
Tosca on 16.02.20
John on 16.08.20
Alex on 21.02.21
John on 15.08.21
Roberto on 17.03.24

Step 11

Tommy on 13.09.15
Simon on 20.03.16
Anthony on 06.08.17
Stanley on 07.05.17
Scott on 06.05.18
Melissa on 11.11.18
Tony on 19.05.18
John on 24.11.19
Angie on 24.05.20
Charis on 22.11.20
Jimmy Jam on 23.05.21

Step 12

Helen on 20.12.15
Andy Z on 13.02.16
Jessica on 12.06.16
John M on 19.02.17
Tony on 11.02.18
Ian on 12.08.18
Mike on 17.02.19
Ally on 26.05.19
Rickie on 01.09.19
Adam on 01.03.20
Claire on 06.09.20
Micky on 05.09.21
Iain on 11.09.22

Topic Shares

A Spiritual Programme - by Frank Mc on 30.12.07
Keep coming back - by Nick M on 29.06.08
Meetings - by Sally on 31.01.16
Hope - by Elmer G on 29.05.16
History of NA in the UK - by Micky C
Euston Meeting 10th Anniversary - by Krystel and Ian
Living with Spiritual Principles - by Alex on 30.10.16
Youth and Recovery - by Jazz on 29.01.17
Freedom - by Amanda
Euston Meeting 11th Anniversary - by Carla
Euston Meeting 11th Anniversary - by Dean
Public Information - by Simon
Willingness - by Michael on 29.04.18
Service - by Karine on 29.07.18
Euston Meeting 12th Anniversary - by Amy on 19.08.18
Euston Meeting 12th Anniversary - by Dean B on 19.08.18
A Vision of Hope - by Charles on 30.09.18
Trust - by Jane on 30.12.18
Change - by Frankie on 14.04.19
Euston Meeting 13th Anniversary - by James on 18.08.19
Euston Meeting 13th Anniversary - by Alison on 18.08.19
Giving Back and More - by Murray on 29.09.19
Work - by Sarah on 29.12.19
Life on Life's Terms - by Niki on 29.03.20
NA Convention - by Mille on 19.04.20
Living Clean - by Leanne on 31.05.20
Desperation to Passion - by Ros on 30.08.20
Just For Today - by Jan on 29.11.20
Honesty Open Mindedness and Willingness - by Scott B on 31.01.21
Finding Freedom - by Kuchenga on 30.05.21
15th Anniversary - by Claire on 29.08.21
15th Anniversary - by David on 29.08.21
Topic Share - by Anna on 06.03.22
17th Anniversary - by Mark & Frankie on 27.08.23
Hope - by John on 31.03.24

Readings from the Basic Text

Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4,
Step 5, Step 6, Step 7, Step 8,
Step 9, Step 10, Step 11, Step 12


There are a great number of addiction-related issues that others might expect a worldwide society of recovering drug addicts to take a postion on. Our answer, according to our 10th tradition, is that our groups and our fellowship take no position, pro or con, on any issues except the NA programme itself. For our own survival, we have no opinion on outside issues.